When you get the opportunity to film with Chris Gregson, you film with Chris Gregson. Aside from being a videography wizard he’s one of the most talented skateboarders on the planet, which means he can party in the bowl with ya. He’s not afraid to drop in with camera in hand then latch the nose of his board to our rear tires thus getting the best follow lines one could ever hope to get. During filming there were times where one of us would be mid-roast in the deep end and catch a flash of denim rip by on the wall below out of our peripherals. At one point that deep end happened to be a sixteen-foot lazy river excavated out of a hillside and concreted into immortality. Another time it was "The Punisher" suspended in a barn deep in the farmlands of Ohio on the fabled grounds of Skatopia. Regardless of the location or circumstance it was nothing but a damn good time, and thanks to Vans BMX y'all can relive the party with us.